Music, This Week's SoundtrackAlex Rawls and Amie MarvelJune 24, 2013?uestlove, Chic, Kanye West, Nile Rodgers, Panorama Jazz Band, Papa Grows Funk, Portugal the Man, Slangston Hughes, Super Water Sympathy, Superhumanoids, The DreamComment "Beauty, truth, awesomeness. That's all it is." This Week's Soundtrack tries out the new and eagerly awaited releases in hip-hop as well as some legendary re-issues, says goodbye to old friends, and makes some new ones. Music, This Week's SoundtrackAlex Rawls and Amie MarvelJune 24, 2013?uestlove, Chic, Kanye West, Nile Rodgers, Panorama Jazz Band, Papa Grows Funk, Portugal the Man, Slangston Hughes, Super Water Sympathy, Superhumanoids, The DreamComment